Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It started with a kiss season -1

Hay friends hope you guys enjoyed Hana Kimi this is my next post hope you enjoy this one too .At first when I started seeing Asian dramas my opinion about Chinese, Korean and Japanese are they all don’t have any cuteness and all the boys will be girlish but I have to really admit that these guys are supper handsome and hot ok now let’s go on to our next idol drama
Main cast
Ariel Lin as Yuan Xiang Qin 袁湘琴
Joe Cheng as Jiang Zhi Shu 江直樹
Jiro Wang as Jin Yuan Feng (Ah Jin) 金元豐
Chang Yung Cheng as Jiang Li (Ah Li)
Cyndi Chaw as Ah Li's wife/Jiang Zhao Zi
Tang Tsung Sheng as Yuan You Cai (Ah Cai)
Zhang Bo Han as Jiang Yu Shu
Xian Qin is a dump and very ordinary girl she studies in the F class where all the students who are dull at the studies she can’t do anything in single attempt she will repeat everything whatever she does at least ten times .Jiang zhi shu is a student in the same school he studies in class A where all bright students study he is not only a bright student he is also a all rounder he will come first in everything .whatever he participates doesn’t matter weather its studies or extra activities he will be the winner he will remember even a tough essay by reading it once itself .Xian Qin has crush on Zhi Shu the story starts with Xian Qin confess her love to Zhi Shu in the school and got rejected by him after that because of Earth quack Xian Qin’s house got destroyed so that she and her father Cai left as homeless .At that time he meets his friend Li and his wife Li offered Cai to stay at his house till Cai rebuilds his house .So Xian Qin and her father shifts to their family friends house unexpectedly Li and his wife are the parents of Zhi Shu therefore Xian Qin has to live under one roof with Zhi Shu .Zhi shu’s mother likes Xian Qin very much so she tries very much to end up Zhi shu and Xian qin marrying each other and the rest of the story is how Zhi Shu find Xian Qin’s inner beauty and fall for her .

My review:
Arial lin (Xian qin) is really is very cute and she acts very innocent .Joe(Jiang Zhi Shu) is also cute but according to me he is ok even though he is cute he is not manly(I don’t like his long hair usually iam not against of long hair but it doesn’t suites him) but ok we can adjust and tolerate that by his acting .Jiro Wang acted as ah Jin who is also from class F and has crush on Xian qin from the first day of the school and he tried his best to pursue her and the stuffs he did to pursue her is so funny .The boy who acted as Joe’s younger brother is so cute and the way he bullies Xian Qin is so funny and the scenes between Arial and Joe is so romantic please enjoy the idol drama by clicking the link below I will see you soon with the season-2 of it started with kiss
With love

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